Beekeeping Beginner Course

Our 2025 Beekeeping Beginners Course will be held at our Teaching Apiary in Wanstead in May.


There are four parts across four days: an initial introduction to the life cycle of the honey bee, biology, physiology and behaviour plus different types of hives and equipment and how to set up an Apiary, we will also give you a copy of Haynes Bee Manual and a reading list. Session will be held at our teaching apiary in Wanstead.


This will be followed by two full days in the hives handling bees and learning about bee health, bee behaviour and swarm control, also at Wanstead.


Between the practical sessions there will be a theory session on swarm control and bee health with a Q&A, held on Zoom.

The dates are:

Theory session 1 Wednesday 14th May, 7pm-9pm at Wanstead

Practical 1 Saturday 24th May, 9.30am-3pm at Wanstead

Theory session 2 Wednesday 21st May, 7pm-9pm on Zoom

Practical session 2 Saturday 31st May 9.30am-3.30pm at Wanstead

If you would like to book a place, please complete this form and we will respond in January 2025 when we have confirmed the course details. The course costs £190, which includes copies of the Haynes Bee Manual, the BBKA Healthy Hive Guide and Associate membership of Epping Forest Beekeepers. Once payment is received we will send you further details of the location and course content.

 You must attend all sessions to receive an EFBK Beekeeping Beginner Certificate.


Contact for further information.


There are other local courses available.

Contact the people below for details:


Robin Harman:


Salma & Khalil Attan:


Eric Beaumont:

Paras Shah, flow hive specialist:


Basic Assessment Training

The Basic Assessment is like a driving test: it shows you have grasped the basics and are able to operate independently. It is a practical exam, the syllabus is here. If you are interested in taking the exam please contact

BBKA Modules

The BBKA offer a variety of modules covering many aspects of beekeeping. The details are here. You need to be a member of the BBKA to access this Training via the Learning Online portal.

In 2025 the BBKA are starting online training sessions for the General Husbandry module, towards an assessment in 2026. There will be monthly Zoom meetings starting on February 5th which will cover the syllabus for this practical exam. You need to have passed your Basic Assessment and have kept bees for a few years to apply.

Register here: